Cynthia Ann Design | Not all of us live in large homes, some have either downsized due to the past economy, some are empty nesters, some live in condos or apartments, and some of us have just plain decided to live in a small space for whatever reasons... But regardless of your circumstances , it doesn't mean you have to give up on having a beautifully decorated Christmas Tree in your home. You just have to select the correct size tree for your home. I thought that I would share with you my personal dilemma...I live in a small space and there literally isn't any room for a Christmas Tree, (other than a corner in my kitchen) but I really wanted a tree. So when I decided to select a tree for my new home, I really had to be conscientious of the space. I decided to purchase an artificial tree so that I wouldn't have to try and find the right size tree every year. I ended up buying one that was narrow, only about 30" wide due to my limited space, but decided if I couldn't have width, I was going to have height. So I ended up selecting an 8ft tall tree since I have 9ft high ceilings. By golly, I was going to fill up that space height wise to make up for the fact that I didn't have the width space to place my tree. LOL Normally, I have a tall 84" high leaner mirror where the tree is sitting, so I did have to move that temporarily into the master bedroom for the holidays. Sometimes rearranging a piece of furniture to make a things work, is the best advice I can give, instead of trying to cram a tree into a small space. This space near my torchiere floor lamp was really the best solution that worked for my home.. So, its okay to move a piece of furniture temporarily if need be & buy a tree (artificial or real) that does't overwhelm the space. Keep it narrow & go vertical. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! #smallspaces #narrowchristmastrees #christmasdecor |
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